
turn one's back on somebody是什么意思呢?

turn one's back on somebody是什么意思呢?


turn one's back on somebody是什么意思呢?

不理睬他人 !!! 解释就是把背对着别人(很形象)人体部位和英语习语1. Headtwo heads are better than one (三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮).2. EyeMind your eye (当心)!3. EarA piece of light music is easy on the ear. (悦耳动听).If you have some juicy gossips, I’m all ears(专心聆听).Walls have ears (隔墙有耳)4. NoseLead somebody by the nose (牵着某人的鼻子走)Turn up one's nose at somebody or something (对某人或某物嗤之一鼻).as plain as the nose in one's face (一清二楚)5. Lipdon't open your lips (不要开口)lips are sealed (保密)escaped someone's lips (脱口而出)is on everybody's lips (众口相传).6. Tonguehold one's tongue (保持沉默)A person who has too much tongue (太多嘴)Don't you have a mouth below your nose (你鼻子底下不是有张嘴吗)?7. Facelose face (丢面子)save face (挽回面子)pull a long face (拉长脸)about face (向后转)8. Shoulderstand shoulder to shoulder (肩并肩)turn a cold shoulder (不理睬)give friends the cold shoulder (冷落朋友)9. Backgive somebody a pat on the back (轻轻拍背部)turn one’s back on somebody (不理睬他人)10. Heartthe heart of the matter (问题的核心)sweet heart (情人)Don't lose heart (不要灰心)11. Stomachhave no stomach for it (反胃)How could you stomach (忍受) such rude words?12. Armthe right arm (得力助手).keep someone at arm's length (保持距离)13. Handa fresh hand (新手)short of hands (人手短缺)hand in hand (手拉手)wash one's hands of something (洗手不干了)14. FingerOne’s fingers are all thumbs (笨拙)15. Thumbturn thumbs up (赞成) to somethingturn thumbs down (不赞成) to something16. Haira person's hair stand on end (毛骨悚然)not turn a hair (不畏惧)Keep your hair on (别发脾气)